Oswald Rall Theart dips his pen in the ink of self-mockery and irony, with hues of wisdom and of understanding and compassion. He challenges the reader in a rather wry manner to look into a mirror and reflect on the quaint mannerisms of human kind, especially that of the typical Afrikaans-speaking Namibian community.

His writing style is picturesque and entertaining and is based on that which is extremely important to survive in a harsh and almost callous society: humour. The reader is constantly reminded by the message between the lines that even under the most cold-hearted, uncaring and intolerant circumstances, the golden link between souls is recognition and respect.

Swipe to the Right is not merely a compilation of tongue-in-cheek stories, but shares captivating observational notes on real people and real circumstances, characteristic of the people of his part of the world, while touching upon the universal traits that people share globally.


Hardekopie N$ 180-00
Digitale Kopie N$ 130-00

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